Sunday, March 25, 2007

An Inconvenient Truth

i know i'm behind the bandwagon on this one, but i just saw An Inconvenient Truth yesterday, and i feel the least i can do is to pass this link along with information about the documentary and things we can do to make an impact.

it's truly alarming and i think we all have a responsibility, especially those of us in the US with our generally high-consumption lifestyles. living in the city has made the transportation issue easier for me, i often walk 150 blocks in a day and take mostly buses when not walking. i'm definitely a believer in walking, biking, and public transportation when possible. the only change i'd like to make is to cut down on flying, which i think i have mostly minimized by taking buses down here when possible and staying in one place for a while. cutting down on water use has been fairly easy and i'm getting better about turning off lights, computers, and appliances. we use natural gas here and don't keep the pilot light on all day so that's also a plus. i'll have to cut down on my meat consumption though, which has went back up again recently, but every day is a new day.

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