Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Labor victory for Oregon farmworkers!

this short letter is copied out of the mass e-mail i got from United Farmworkers, more info below that...

Victory at Threemile Canyon Farms Dairy

Following four and a half years of struggle, a groundbreaking historic contract was just signed with the United Farm Workers and the Threemile Canyon Farms LLC, Boardman, Oregon.

We want to thank everyone for all the support they gave us in this campaign. This was a tremendous victory for farm workers at the Threemile Canyon Dairy. It is the first UFW contract in the state of Oregon and it is the first time farm workers in this state will be insured family medical benefits, a pension plan, regular wage increases and better working conditions.

Below please find video, photos, news clips and press statements from the press conference announcing this victory. To find the most recent information you can visit our campaign page at:

Thank you so much for your support and we look forward to many more farm worker victories in the state of Oregon.

Si Se Puede,
Arturo S. Rodriguez


Videos and more info on UFW and the recent contract signing can be found here.

Detailed information on the labor contract can be found here.

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