Thursday, September 15, 2005

Timeline: Surge of Iraq violence

To experience this violence as a civilian must be horrific. I can't imagine living in such fear. I think it's horrible that the "insurgents" are killing innocent civilians. Although our unjust and pre-emptive war in no way justifies such killing, perhaps the effects are illustrating what can happen when you try to forcefully impose a government system on another country. I don't support Saddam's repressive leadership, but I also don't support our "war" against Iraq. As much as we tried negotiating with him, we could have tried more. Additionally, perhaps if the US stopped demonstrating to the world how undemocratic it can be, we would be an inspiration for others to not only start their own movements for democracy, but also to garner worldwide support when we actually take democratic approaches to solving social problems.

-----BBC Article (Intro-----

Insurgents in Iraq have been launching almost hourly attacks on Iraqi and US military targets as well as civilians in a relentless wave of violence.

The BBC News website shows where and when the attacks have been reported (all times given are Iraqi local time, which is four hours ahead of GMT). (full story)

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